As the capacity of White Cross is up to 100 MW, in terms of planning consent – the project does not require a Development Consent Order (DCO) for the whole project under the Planning Act 2008. Therefore, the project team has followed a split consenting regime consisting of both an onshore and offshore application.
An Environmental Statement, which includes a full Environmental Impact Assessment, accompanies both our onshore and offshore planning applications. The Environmental Statement consists of a series of chapters which review in detail specific topics the project may interact with. A Habitat Regulation Assessment has also been completed. These assessments provide detailed information on each topic to ensure that the environment is protected from potential harm brought about by a development and that the relevant authorities are aware of the potential effects of the project when making a decision.
Onshore planning application
The onshore planning application incorporates all the onshore aspects of the project from mean low water springs (low tide), along the onshore cable route to the East Yelland Substation where the project will connect to the electricity grid.
The planning application for the onshore elements of the project has been submitted to North Devon Council Local Planning Authority under application number 77576. To view the application on the planning portal, click here.
Read the Non-Technical Summary of our onshore application which provides a concise and easy to understand overview of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process and the findings of the onshore EIA for the White Cross project.
To read the Non-Technical Summary of our onshore application, as well as to view all other environmental statement documents submitted to North Devon Council Local Planning Authority, use the drop down buttons below, or visit our Document library.
Offshore application
The offshore planning application incorporates all the offshore aspects of the project from the windfarm array – 52.5km offshore, along the offshore cable route to mean high water springs (high tide). The offshore application covers the marine licences and Electricity Act Section 36 requirements. It has been submitted to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) as the offshore regulator.
Read the Non-Technical Summary of our offshore application which provides a concise and easy to understand overview of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process and the findings of the offshore EIA for the White Cross project.
To read the Non Technical Summary, as well as to view all other environmental statement documents submitted to the MMO, use the dropdown button below.
To view and comment on the offshore consent application on the marine licence applications public register, please click here. The MMO case reference number for the White Cross application is MLA/2023/00113. See Marine license applications and requests section.
Environmental Statement Addendum – Further Environmental Information
Following formal consultation in 2023 North Devon Council requested that further environmental information be submitted in relation to the White Cross Offshore Windfarm application. This information will provide the additional detail required by North Devon Council to enable a decision to be made on the application.
The Environmental Statement Addendum has been submitted to both North Devon Council Local Planning Authority under application number 77576 and the Marine Management Organisation under case reference MLA/2023/00113. To view and comment on the information please follow the respective links.
Planning application: 77576 – Council Services (
Search public register records – MCMS ( and search MLA/2023/00113
You can also access the Environmental Statement Addendum and the associated appendices and management plans, as well as view all other environmental statement documents previously submitted, using the drop down buttons below, or visiting our Document library.