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Consultation process

Consultation with stakeholders and local communities is a key part of planning and consent processes and as such, is central to, informing our project team’s decision making.

Four public consultation events have now been held in the local area over the last two years, providing information on the project to local communities, as well as providing an opportunity for feedback and answering community questions.

Our public consultations were held in July 2022, October 2022, March 2023 and May 2024. A virtual event was also held in October 2022. We would like to thank all of those individuals who attended these events and provided feedback on the project proposals.

In addition, expert topic groups were formed of statutory and non-statutory consultees to provide additional input on key topics of interest included within the environmental impact assessment. The aim of these groups was to facilitate reaching agreement on the scope and approach to the impacts included within the Environmental Impact Assessment, as well as the suitability of the data used.

Formal consultation will now be carried out by the relevant organisations on the applications, following the submission of further environmental information.