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Scoping report

Scoping is a key part of the project development process. Scoping is utilised to determine the content and extent of the matters which should be covered in the environmental information to be submitted to a competent authority for projects which require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to be undertaken. The White Cross offshore windfarm will require an EIA.

Scoping is the process of identifying the key issues in relation to potential environmental effects of the project and is an opportunity to canvass the views of the local community and key stakeholders.

Facilitating the identification of potential issues at an early stage, project scoping helps important mitigation measures to be identified at an early stage. In addition, scoping ensures that EIA is proportionate to the key issues identified for the project.

The Scoping Report was submitted to the Marine Management Organisation on 18 January 2022.

Click here to read the Scoping Report >