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Non-Technical Summary
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Chapter 1 Introduction
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Chapter 2 Need for the Project
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Chapter 3 Policy and Legislative Context
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Chapter 4 Site Selection and Assessment of Alternatives
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Chapter 5 Project Description
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Chapter 6 EIA Methodology
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Chapter 7 Consultation
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Chapter 8 Marine and Physical Processes
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Chapter 9 Marine Water and Sediment Quality
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Chapter 10 Benthic and Intertidal Ecology
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Chapter 11 Fish and Shellfish
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Chapter 12 Marine Mammal and Marine Turtle Ecology
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Chapter 13 Offshore Ornithology
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Chapter 14 Commercial Fisheries
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Chapter 15 Shipping and Navigation
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Chapter 16 Marine Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
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Chapter 17 Civil and Military Aviation
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Chapter 18 Infrastructure and Other Users
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Chapter 19 Offshore Seascape Landscape and Visual Amenity
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Chapter 20 Onshore Ecology and Ornithology
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Chapter 21 Noise and Vibration
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Chapter 22 Traffic and Transport
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Chapter 23 Socio-Economics
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Chapter 24 Human Health
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Chapter 25 Climate Change
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Chapter 26 Accidents and Disasters
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Chapter 27 Inter-relationships
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Non-Technical Summary
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Chapter 1 Introduction
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